When the first baby smile for the first time, the smile broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies. And now when every new baby is born its first laugh becomes a fairy. So there ought to be one fairy for every boy or girl.

Holi ......

She is play the Holi with......me


MEENAL'S BIRTH ADDED A SPECIAL MEANING TO MY LIFE. here my angel is just 8 days old.....

Minal.......my angel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We welcomed our first baby girl, Minal Shimaar, on Weansday, Sept. 7th, 2010 at 11:43 AM. Our first girl so we’ve been very excited about how the addition of a little girl will affect our little family. Wait! Actually, now we’re a family of 5. Whoa!!! That’s not so little anymore!

Minal is 10 months old today according to her corrected age. She is doing great meeting the 8 month milestones of:

- keeping head level with body when pulled to sitting
- sitting sometimes without support
- turning in the direction of a voice
- making a wet razzing sound
- object if you try to take a toy away
- work to get a toy that's out of reach
- looking for a dropped object
- babble, but cannot say mama, dada, baba yet

We are still working on rolling and crawling. She can roll from her stomach to her back, but not from her back to her stomach. Minal is still chewing a lot even since her 2 bottom teeth are in, so we are thinking more are on the way soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My God Is Near..........

When God is near, all the world seems far away. When God is near, every fear is set aside. When God is near, how can I stray? How can I falter? I’ll stay upon the altar, I know my God is near.


Everyone want in our life try until success. one day you will be successful in your efforts.

True Love

True love has been defined so many times, but can it really be defined? Can it really be put into words? When a feeling of strong passion and genuine affection controls your whole being.. people fall fast not knowing that, that feeling is not love at all.. True love is developed through time..when a strong relationship has been formed, when a relationship that has gone through hurdles still stays strong. That is when genuine love comes right in.

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